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0510-8311 9888
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电话:0510-8311 9888

咨询热线0510-8311 9888




Usually we move in Wuxi, but do not rule out special reasons. For example, because of work, family or love, we move far away in Wuxi. That's not going to be harder, more tired. We're going to take precautions before moving to Wuxi. 1.我们在无锡搬家前15天:你如果是搬到新家的,又恰好装修完,最好就是要在15天前确认是已经专修完成了的。一定要保持通风要在8天左右的,温馨提示一下:一定要在此之间我们要准备好打包需要的物品,比如说是纸箱之内的。

1. Fifteen days before we moved to Wuxi: If you move to a new house and have just finished the decoration, it is best to confirm that you have completed the specialization 15 days ago. Be sure to keep ventilated for about 8 days. Warm reminder: Be sure to prepare the items needed for packing, such as those in cartons.


2. About 10 days before we moved to Wuxi, we need to measure the size of each room, as well as the size of large items, such as refrigerators, wardrobes and so on. This is convenient for us to put the furniture in the right place when we move in Wuxi.


3. About 7 days before Wuxi moved: We're going to have a furniture cleaning. This is to prevent Xiaoqiang from "settling up" in the furniture. It's better to spray insecticides and so on. Another thing is to check whether the water holes in the new house are open, so as to avoid blockage or leakage of water holes.

4、无锡搬家公司电话无锡搬家前2天 我们就要检查一下电话、天然气、自来水公司等去查查最后的用度,还有就是要通知邮局和送报等服务公司更换地址。

4. Wuxi Moving Company Telephone Wuxi Moving Company Two days before we move, we need to check the telephone, natural gas, water company and so on to check the final usage, and also to inform the post office and the service company to change their address.


0510-8311 9888