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Moving is a common thing for young people. For example, if you want to move to a place close to your job, or if you have money, you want to move to a better place to live. Moving is a good thing, so how can we avoid or reduce the loss when moving so that the move can proceed smoothly and expediently? The following are some of the experiences collected by the editor: 1、在选无锡搬家公司的时候一定要货比三家,可以在报纸或上网查查那些搬家公司的相关信息。看看那些搬家公司的口碑怎样?有没有出现过什么不诚信的事情?

1. When choosing a relocation company, you must compare the goods. You can check the relevant information of those relocation companies in newspapers or on the Internet. Look at the reputation of those moving companies? Has there ever been anything dishonest?


2. When discussing the price with the moving company, the company must provide a written quotation, and know the standard of the moving company's fees, so as to avoid the situation of arbitrary quotation.


3. When discussing the price, we must clarify our specific position with the moving company. What floor is it? Is there a parking lot around? What's the walking distance from the parking lot to where you live now? Is there an elevator coming up? What large items need the help of the moving company to dismantle the packaging and so on? Also, do you have to tell the moving company whether your moving date is a lunar calendar or a lunar calendar? If you're talking about the lunar calendar and the moving company mistakenly thinks it's the solar calendar, you'll have to make an Oolong case. In order to avoid halfway price increases, it is necessary to clarify these with the moving company in advance.


4. Ask in advance whether the written prices already include taxes and fees, and whether the final fees reported include all fees. Only in this way can we not be deceived and let ourselves suffer losses.


5. After negotiating the price, we must sign a moving contract with the moving company. Even if something happens, there are laws to abide by and laws to protect themselves.


0510-8311 9888